"Street", "abbrev" => "Street", "name" => "street", "type" => "text", "size" => 30, "required" => 1), array("label" => "City", "abbrev" => "City", "name" => "city", "type" => "text", "size" => 30, "required" => 1), array("label" => "State", "abbrev" => "State", "name" => "state", "type" => "state", "size" => 2, "required" => 1), array("label" => "Zip", "abbrev" => "Zip", "name" => "zip", "type" => "zip", "size" => 5, "required" => 1), array("label" => "Email", "abbrev" => "Email", "name" => "email1", "type" => "email", "size" => 40, "required" => 1), array("label" => "Number of Men Dancers", "abbrev" => "Men Dancers", "name" => "men_dancers", "type" => "num", "size" => 1, "required" => 1), array("label" => "Number of Women Dancers", "abbrev" => "Women Dancers", "name" => "women_dancers", "type" => "num", "size" => 1, "required" => 1), array("label" => "Custom Text", "abbrev" => "Custom Text", "name" => "custom_text", "type" => "text", "size" => 40), array("label" => "Custom Number", "abbrev" => "Custom Number", "name" => "custom_num", "type" => "num", "size" => 2), array("label" => "Custom Decimal", "abbrev" => "Custom Decimal", "name" => "custom_dec", "type" => "decimal", "size" => 3), array("label" => "Custom Option", "abbrev" => "Custom Option", "name" => "custom_opt", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Notes", "abbrev" => "Notes", "name" => "notes", "type" => "text", "size" => 1000), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Number of People", "abbrev" => "Hosp Req Num", "name" => "hosp_req_num", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Number of Beds", "abbrev" => "Hosp Req Beds", "name" => "hosp_req_beds", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Smoker", "abbrev" => "Hosp Req Smoker", "name" => "hosp_req_smoker", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Cats OK", "abbrev" => "Hosp Req Cats", "name" => "hosp_req_cats", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Dogs OK", "abbrev" => "Hosp Req Dogs", "name" => "hosp_req_dogs", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Notes (Allergies, etc.)", "abbrev" => "Hosp Req Notes", "name" => "hosp_req_notes", "type" => "text", "size" => 60), array("label" => "Hospitality Request: Carpooling With", "abbrev" => "Carpooler", "name" => "hosp_req_carpooler", "type" => "text", "size" => 40), array("label" => "Hospitality Offer: Number of People", "abbrev" => "Hosp Offer Num", "name" => "hosp_offer_num", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Offer: Number of Beds", "abbrev" => "Hosp Offer Beds", "name" => "hosp_offer_beds", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Offer: Smoker", "abbrev" => "Hosp Offer Smoker", "name" => "hosp_offer_smoker", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Offer: Have Cats", "abbrev" => "Hosp Offer Cats", "name" => "hosp_offer_cats", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Hospitality Offer: Have Dogs", "abbrev" => "Hosp Offer Dogs", "name" => "hosp_offer_dogs", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Offsite", "abbrev" => "Cab Offsite", "name" => "housing_offsite", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Womens Cabin", "abbrev" => "Cab Women", "name" => "housing_women", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Mens Cabin", "abbrev" => "Cab Men", "name" => "housing_men", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Couples Cabin", "abbrev" => "Cab Couple", "name" => "housing_couple", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Snorers Cabin", "abbrev" => "Cab Snore", "name" => "housing_snore", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Adult in Family Cabin", "abbrev" => "Cab Fam Adult", "name" => "housing_family_adult", "type" => "num", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Housing: Child in Family Cabin", "abbrev" => "Cab Fam Child", "name" => "housing_family_child", "type" => "num", "size" => 1) ); // Max width of single line of text. // Fields longer than this will be implemented as textarea with multiple lines. var $c_text_line_width = 80; // Max length of name fields var $c_name_max_length = 20; // Telephone Fields. // label is what is displayed next to the button. // name attribute must be unique, including data, phone, radio, selections // items is list of buttons. // default is item to be selected initially by default. // required attribute is optional. var $c_aryPhone_Fields = array( array("label" => "Phone 1", "abbrev" => "Phone1", "name" => "phone1", "size" => 12, "required" => 1, "items" => array( array("label" => "Cell", "value" => "Cell"), array("label" => "Home", "value" => "Home") ) ), array("label" => "Phone 2", "abbrev" => "Phone2", "name" => "phone2", "size" => 12, "items" => array( array("label" => "Cell", "value" => "Cell", ), array("label" => "Home", "value" => "Home") ) ), ); // Radio Buttons. // label is what is displayed next to the button. // name attribute must be unique, including data, phone, radio, selections // items is list of buttons. // default is item to be selected initially by default. // required attribute is optional. var $c_aryRadio_Fields = array( array("label" => "Please Select a Color", "abbrev" => "Color1", "name" => "color1", "type" => "text", "size" => 10, "items" => array( array("label" => "Red", "value" => "red"), array("label" => "Green", "value" => "green", "default" => 1), array("label" => "Blue", "value" => "blue"), ) ), array("label" => "Please Select a Number", "abbrev" => "Number1", "name" => "number1", "abbrev" => "Number 1", "type" => "num", "size" => 1, "required" => 1, "items" => array( array("label" => "One", "value" => 1), array("label" => "Two", "value" => 2), array("label" => "Three", "value" => 3) ) ), ); // Selection Lists. // label is what is displayed next to the list. // items is list of selections. // default is item to be selected initially by default. // required attribute is optional. var $c_arySelect_Fields = array( array("label" => "Please Select Another Color", "abbrev" => "Color2", "name" => "color2", "type" => "text", "size" => 10, "items" => array( array("label" => "Red", "value" => "red"), array("label" => "Green", "value" => "green", "default" => 1), array("label" => "Blue", "value" => "blue"), ) ), array("label" => "Please Select Another Number", "abbrev" => "Number2", "name" => "number2", "type" => "num", "size" => 2, "required" => 1, "items" => array( array("label" => "", "value" => ""), array("label" => "One", "value" => 1), array("label" => "Two", "value" => 2), array("label" => "Three", "value" => 3) ) ), ); // Attendance options. // Each item is (label, abbreviation, price). var $c_aryAttendance_Fields = array( array("label" => "Adult", "abbrev" => "Adult", "price" => 85), array("label" => "Student Jr High and up", "abbrev" => "Student", "price" => 45, "no_early_late_reg" => 1), array("label" => "Child 12 and under", "abbrev" => "Child", "price" => 35, "no_early_late_reg" => 1), array("label" => "CDSS Member Discount", "abbrev" => "CDSS", "price" => -5), ); // Dis/Allow select of multiple attendance options. var $c_attendance_multi_select = 0; // Early registration discount. Use negative number. var $c_early_reg_discount = -10; // Late registration fee var $c_late_reg_fee = 0; // Early/Late registration cutoff date. // Format = "January 15, 2019", or "" or null if not used. // This is the last date for early registration, // or the first date for late registration. // Example: for January 15, 2019, the early registration discount // will be applied through Jan 15, and stop on Jan 16. // The late registration fee will start on Jan 15. var $c_early_late_reg_cutoff_date = "January 15, 2029"; // Date to shutdown registration. // Format = "January 15, 2019", or "" or null if not used. // Registrations will not be accepted at this and later dates. var $c_reg_shutdown_date = "February 22, 2029"; // Merchandise Data Fields. // Each item is (label, abbreviation, price). var $c_aryMerchandise_Fields = array( array("label" => "T-Shirt Small", "abbrev" => "TShirtS", "price" => 14), array("label" => "T-Shirt Medium", "abbrev" => "TShirtM", "price" => 14), array("label" => "T-Shirt Large", "abbrev" => "TShirtL", "price" => 14), array("label" => "T-Shirt Extra Large", "abbrev" => "TShirtXL", "price" => 14), ); // Membership options var $c_member_single_price = 20; var $c_member_family_price = 30; // Maximum number of musicians var $c_max_musicians = 2; // Musician Data Fields. // Each item is (label, abbreviation, name, datatype, datasize). // Cannot use Radio or Select fields. var $c_aryMusician_Fields = array( array("label" => "Musician First Name", "abbrev" => "Mus Name", "name" => "mus_name", "type" => "text", "size" => 20), array("label" => "Instruments", "abbrev" => "Mus Inst", "name" => "mus_instruments", "type" => "text", "size" => 60), array("label" => "Bands", "abbrev" => "Mus Band", "name" => "mus_bands", "type" => "text", "size" => 60), array("label" => "In Band Scramble", "abbrev" => "Mus BScramble", "name" => "mus_bandscramble", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "In Open Band", "abbrev" => "Mus BOpen", "name" => "mus_bandopen", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "In Named Band", "abbrev" => "Mus BNamed", "name" => "mus_bandnamed", "type" => "check", "size" => 1) ); // Maximum number of callers var $c_max_callers = 2; // Caller Data Fields. // Each item is (label, abbreviation, name, datatype, datasize, required). // Cannot use Radio or Select fields. var $c_aryCaller_Fields = array( array("label" => "Caller First Name", "abbrev" => "Call Name", "name" => "call_name", "type" => "text", "size" => 20), array("label" => "Call Contra", "abbrev" => "Call Contra", "name" => "call_contra", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Call English", "abbrev" => "Call Eng", "name" => "call_english", "type" => "check", "size" => 1), array("label" => "Call Other", "abbrev" => "Call Other", "name" => "call_other", "type" => "text", "size" => 60) ); // These are filled in during initialization, based on c_test_mode var $c_paypal_email = ""; var $c_paypal_url = ""; var $c_paypal_ipn_url = ""; var $c_registrar_email = ""; var $c_hospitality_email = ""; // Today's date, filled in during initialization. var $c_today = ""; // Class Constructor function __construct(){ // Setup values for normal and test modes if ($this->c_test_mode == 0) { // Production $this->c_paypal_email = 'payments@yourdomain.com'; $this->c_paypal_url = "https://www.paypal.com"; // DO NOT CHANGE $this->c_paypal_ipn_url = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; // DO NOT CHANGE $this->c_registrar_email = "somebody1@somewhere.com"; $this->c_hospitality_email = "somebody2@somewhere.com"; } else { // Testing Sandbox $this->c_paypal_email = 'payments-seller1@yourdomain.org'; $this->c_paypal_url = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com"; // DO NOT CHANGE $this->c_paypal_ipn_url = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; // DO NOT CHANGE $this->c_registrar_email = "somebody3@somewhere.com"; $this->c_hospitality_email = "somebody4@somewhere.com"; } // else c_test_mode // Get Today's date $this->c_today = date("Y-m-d"); // DO NOT CHANGE } // Online_Reg_Config_Class constructor } // Online_Reg_Config_Class ?>