This is an example of the confirmation email
sent to the user and the registrar.
Online Registration Demo MAX TEST Registration for John Smith
Subject: Online Registration Demo MAX Registration for John Smith
Date: Monday, February 18, 2019 4:44 PM
Online Registration Demo MAX Registration Confirmation
Registration Date: 2019-02-18, Registration Number: 1
Invoice ID:
PayPAL Transaction ID = 6FM560460M964591T
Name: John Smith, Gender: M, Child: No, Student: No
Name: Sally Jones, Gender: F, Child: No, Student: No
Name: Mike Smith, Gender: M, Child: No, Student: Yes
Name: ann Sally, Gender: F, Child: Yes, Age: 6, Student: No
Phone 1 (Home): 123-456-7890
Phone 2 (Cell): 222-222-2222
DO share my/our personal information
Street: 123 Main St
State: TX
Zip: 75382
Number of Men Dancers: 2
Number of Women Dancers: 1
Custom Text: custom t'ext
Custom Number: 12
Custom Decimal: 1.23
Custom Option: Yes
Notes: long note
with multiple lines
and html
and spec '%"()*#@~?/ial chars
Hospitality Request: Number of People: 4
Hospitality Request: Number of Beds: 3
Hospitality Request: Smoker: No
Hospitality Request: Cats OK: Yes
Hospitality Request: Dogs OK: No
Hospitality Request: Notes (Allergies, etc.): no allergy's
Hospitality Request: Carpooling With: Fred Martin
Hospitality Offer: Number of People: 0
Hospitality Offer: Number of Beds: 0
Hospitality Offer: Smoker: No
Hospitality Offer: Have Cats: No
Hospitality Offer: Have Dogs: No
Housing: Offsite: 0
Housing: Womens Cabin: 0
Housing: Mens Cabin: 0
Housing: Couples Cabin: 0
Housing: Snorers Cabin: 0
Housing: Adult in Family Cabin: 0
Housing: Child in Family Cabin: 0
Please Select a Color: red
Please Select a Number: 2
Please Select Another Color: blue
Please Select Another Number: 3
Musician Data:
Musician First Name 1 = John
Instruments 1 = fiddle, mandolin
Bands 1 = Band1, Band2
In Band Scramble 1 = No
In Open Band 1 = No
In Named Band 1 = Yes
Musician First Name 2 = Mike
Instruments 2 = guitar, drum
Bands 2 = None
In Band Scramble 2 = Yes
In Open Band 2 = No
In Named Band 2 = No
Caller Data:
Caller First Name 1 = John
Call Contra 1 = Yes
Call English 1 = No
Call Other 1 = None
Caller First Name 2 = Sally
Call Contra 2 = No
Call English 2 = Yes
Call Other 2 = int'l folk
Adult: 2 x $85.00 = $170.00
Student Jr High and up: 1 x $45.00 = $45.00
Child 12 and under: 1 x $35.00 = $35.00
CDSS Member Discount: 2 x $-5.00 = $-10.00
Early Reg: 4 x $-10 = $-40.00
Family Membership: 1 x $30 = $30.00
T-Shirt Small: 1 x $14.00 = $14.00
T-Shirt Medium: 2 x $14.00 = $28.00
T-Shirt Large: 1 x $14.00 = $14.00
Donation: $15.00
PayPal Fee: $9.30
Total: $310.30
Deposit: $0.00
Payment: $310.30
Balance Due by June 1, 2222: $0.00